The Way Of Teaching

  • Covering Victorian Curriculum
  • Initial Assessment and Evaluation
  • Tailor content depending on strengths and weakness
  • Fix a time that works out for both the instructor and the student
  • Classes could be weekly, bi-weekly depending on the student needs
  • Classes begin with a greeting and settling down
  • A game or a concept is introduced
  • Once the game is over, the kids are taught the fundamentals of the subject
  • Some examples from the subject – Victorian curriculum are worked in the class
  • Students work it and the instructor fixes any errors and introduces new modifications to the subject
  • The instructor gives them some homework to register the concept even better
  • Students see it as a game. We see it as learning.

Come back next week for more playing and learning!

Monthly Evaluations and Reports to parents separately to discuss your child’s progress.

NAPLAN, Scholarships and selective schools

In general, the students learning with us should be able to handle Naplan and Selective Schools Coaching themselves since their fundamentals are strong enough. Though selective school exams are tough, with strong core concepts and a passion, they should be able to handle this much easier than before. We do offer this separately if the parents and children prefer.